Shortcuts For Excel Mac

50 time-saving Excel shortcuts. Save time and conquer the spreadsheet with these 50 Excel keyboard shortcuts. Get the most out of Excel in Windows with these pro tips. Get expert help now. Have our partners at Excelchat fix your formulas, 24/7. Use your free session.

Many of you are transitioning to Excel for the Mac, and have asked us what our favorite Excel Mac shortcuts are. While our keyboard covers show the 20 most commonly used shortcuts, there are definitely a few gems that really make using Excel on the Mac that much better than the PC. That’s right…I said it…Excel for the Mac is better than the PC!

Here are the Top 5:

1) Increase/Decrease Font Size – SHIFT+COMMAND+. (increase)SHIFT+COMMAND+, (decrease)

The reason why this is the best Mac Excel shortcut is because it doesn’t even exist on the PC! Quickly increase and decrease the font size without going through the Format Cells menu or clicking on the pesky font size drop-down in the toolbar.

2) Delete Everything in Selected Cells – FN+DELETE

Shortcut For Date Excel Mac


Why is it so hard to delete stuff in Excel for the Mac? Press fn+delete and you’ll actually delete everything in your selection and the delete button actually works like it’s intended to work.

  1. Excel keyboard shortcuts (Windows and Mac) File. Create new workbook.
  2. This article describes the keyboard shortcuts, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys in Excel for Mac. Notes: The settings in some versions of the Mac operating system (OS) and some utility applications might conflict with keyboard shortcuts and function key operations in Office for Mac.

3) Create Filter – SHIFT+COMMAND+F

You have a list of data and you need to create a filter. Instead of going through the regular toolbar, navigate to the first row with the field names in your list and hit shift+command+f. Simple.

4) Center Align Data – COMMAND+E

You have a bunch of cells with data and they are all weirdly aligned. Some are right-aligned and some are left-aligned. The reason why this shortcut is so powerful is because it’s SO EASY to use! There is no equivalent on the PC; the PC shortcut is ALT, H, A, C! Definitely a lot simpler to hit command+e in my opinion!

5) Autosum a Bunch of Numbers – SHIFT+COMMAND+T

We’ve all had to type =SUM(blah blah blah) before to sum a bunch of numbers. This handy shortcut let’s you create the sum automatically without having to type in the formula! Just go to the empty cell below a bunch of numbers you want to sum and hit shift+command+t and Excel automatically knows which cells you want to sum!

In conclusion, Excel for the Mac is pretty powerful…

Which Excel for Mac shortcuts do you use every day? Which Excel shortcuts on the PC do you wish existed on the Mac?

1. Frequently used shortcuts
+V or Ctrl+VPaste
+C or Ctrl+CCopy
+S or Ctrl+SSave
+Z or Ctrl+ZUndo
+Y or Ctrl+YRedo
+X or Ctrl+XCut
+B or Ctrl+BBold
+P or Ctrl+PPrint
Option+F11Open Visual Basic
+D or Ctrl+DFill Down
+R or Ctrl+RFill Right
Ctrl+Shift+=Insert cells
+- or Ctrl+- (hyphen)Delete cells
+= or F9Calculate all open workbooks
+W or Ctrl+WClose window
+QQuit Excel
Ctrl+G or F5Display the Go To dialog box
+1 or Ctrl+1Display the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl+H or +Shift+HDisplay the Replace dialog box
+Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Option+VPaste Special
+I or Ctrl+IItalic
+N or Ctrl+NNew blank workbook
+Shift+PNew workbook from template
+Shift+S or F12Display the Save As dialog box
F1 or +/Display the Help window
+A or +Shift+SpaceSelect All
+Shift+F or Ctrl+Shift+LAdd or remove a filter
+Option+R or Ctrl+OMinimize or maximize the ribbon tabs
+ODisplay the Open dialog box
F7Check spelling
Shift+F7Open the thesaurus
Shift+F3Display the Formula Builder
+F3Open the Define Name dialog box
+Shift+F3Open the Create names dialog box
Shift+F11Insert a new sheet *
+P or Ctrl+PPrint
+P or Ctrl+PPrint preview
*Some Windows keyboard shortcuts conflict with the corresponding default Mac OS keyboard shortcuts. This topic flags such shortcuts with an asterisk ( * ). To use these shortcuts, you may have to change your Mac keyboard settings to change the Show Desktop shortcut for the key.
Shortcuts For Excel Mac

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2. Work in windows and dialogs
+Option+RExpand or minimize the ribbon
+Ctrl+FSwitch to full screen view
+TabSwitch to the next application
+Shift+TabSwitch to the previous application
+WClose the active workbook window
+Shift+3Copy the image of the screen and save it to a Screen Shot file on your desktop.
Ctrl+F9Minimize the active window
Ctrl+F10 or +F10Maximize or restore the active window
+HHide Excel.
TabMove to the next box, option, control, or command
Shift+TabMove to the previous box, option, control, or command
EscExit a dialog or cancel an action
EnterPerform the action assigned to the default command button (the button with the bold outline, often the OK button)
EscCancel the command and close

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3. Move and scroll in a sheet or workbook
Arrow KeysMove one cell up, down, left, or right
+Arrow KeyMove to the edge of the current data region
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
Ctrl+HomeMove to the beginning of the sheet
Ctrl+EndMove to the last cell in use on the sheet
Page DownMove down one screen
Page UpMove up one screen
Option+Page DownMove one screen to the right
Option+Page UpMove one screen to the left
Ctrl+Page Down or Option+Arrow RightMove to the next sheet in the workbook
Ctrl+Page Down or Option+Arrow LeftMove to the previous sheet in the workbook
Ctrl+DeleteScroll to display the active cell
Ctrl+GDisplay the Go To dialog box
Ctrl+F or Shift+F5Display the Find dialog box
+FAccess search (when in a cell or when a cell is selected)
TabMove between unlocked cells on a protected sheet

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4. Enter data on a sheet
F2Edit the selected cell
EnterComplete a cell entry and move forward in the selection
Ctrl+Option+EnterStart a new line in the same cell
+Return or Ctrl+EnterFill the selected cell range with the text that you type
Shift+EnterComplete a cell entry and move up in the selection
TabComplete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection
Shift+TabComplete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection
EscCancel a cell entry
DeleteDelete the character to the left of the insertion point, or delete the selection
Delete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection
On a MacBook, pressFn+DeleteNote: Some smaller keyboards do not have this key
Note: Some smaller keyboards do not have this key
Arrow KeysMove one character up, down, left, or right
HomeMove to the beginning of the line
Shift+F2Insert a comment
Shift+F2Open and edit a cell comment
Ctrl+D or +DFill down
Ctrl+R or +RFill to the right
Ctrl+LDefine a name

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5. Work in cells or the Formula bar
F2Edit the selected cell
DeleteEdit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit the cell contents
EnterComplete a cell entry
+Shift+Return or Ctrl+Shift+EnterEnter a formula as an array formula
EscCancel an entry in the cell or formula bar
Ctrl+ADisplay the Formula Builder after you type a valid function name in a formula
+K or Ctrl+KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl+UEdit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the line
Shift+F3Open the Formula Builder
Shift+F9Calculate the active sheet
Shift+F10Display a contextual menu
=Start a formula
+T or F4Toggle the formula reference style between absolute, relative, and mixed
+Shift+TInsert the AutoSum formula
Ctrl+; (semicolon)Enter the date
+; (semicolon)Enter the time
Ctrl+Shift+' (inchmark)Copy the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar
Ctrl+` (grave accent)Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas
Ctrl+' (apostrophe))Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar
Ctrl+Option+Arrow DownDisplay the AutoComplete list
Ctrl+LDefine a name
Ctrl+Option++LOpen the Smart Lookup pane

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6. Format and edit data
F2Edit the selected cell
+T or Ctrl+TCreate a table
+Option+Return or Ctrl+Option+EnterInsert a line break in a cell
Ctrl+Spacebar or +SpaceInsert special characters like symbols, including emoji
+Shift+>Increase font size
+Shift+<Decrease font size
+EAlign center
+LAlign left
+Shift+LDisplay the Modify Cell Style dialog box
+1Display the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+~Apply the general number format
Ctrl+Shift+$Apply the currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in red with parentheses)
Ctrl+Shift+%Apply the percentage format with no decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+^Apply the exponential number format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+#Apply the date format with the day, month, and year
Ctrl+Shift+@Apply the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM
Ctrl+Shift+!Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values
+Option+0Apply the outline border around the selected cells
+Option+Arrow RightAdd an outline border to the right of the selection
+Option+Arrow LeftAdd an outline border to the left of the selection
+Option+Arrow UpAdd an outline border to the top of the selection
+Option+Arrow DownAdd an outline border to the bottom of the selection
+Option+- (hyphen)Remove outline borders
+BApply or remove bold formatting
+IApply or remove italic formatting
+UApply or remove underscoring
+Shift+XApply or remove strikethrough formatting
+) or Ctrl+)Hide a column
+Shift+) or Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide a column
+( or Ctrl+(Hide a row
+Shift+( or Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide a row
Ctrl+UEdit the active cell
EscCancel an entry in the cell or the formula bar
DeleteEdit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit the cell contents
+VPaste text into the active cell
EnterComplete a cell entry
+Return or Ctrl+EnterGive selected cells the current cell's entry
+Shift+Return or Ctrl+Shift+EnterEnter a formula as an array formula
Ctrl+ADisplay the Formula Builder after you type a valid function name in a formula

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Shortcuts For Excel MacShortcuts For Excel Mac
7. Select cells, columns, or rows
Shift+Arrow KeyExtend the selection by one cell
+Shift+Arrow KeyExtend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell
Shift+HomeExtend the selection to the beginning of the row
Ctrl+Shift+HomeExtend the selection to the beginning of the sheet
Ctrl+Shift+EndExtend the selection to the last cell used on the sheet (lower-right corner)
Ctrl+SpaceSelect the entire column
Shift+SpaceSelect the entire row
+ASelect the entire sheet
+Shift+* (asterisk)Select only visible cells
Shift+DeleteSelect only the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Shift+Page DownExtend the selection down one screen
Shift+Page UpExtend the selection up one screen
Ctrl+6Alternate between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects
F8Turn on the capability to extend a selection by using the arrow keys
Shift+F8Add another range of cells to the selection
Ctrl+/Select the current array, which is the array that the active cell belongs to.
Ctrl+Select cells in a row that don't match the value in the active cell in that row. You must select the row starting with the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+[Select only cells that are directly referred to by formulas in the selection
Ctrl+Shift+{Select all cells that are directly or indirectly referred to by formulas in the selection
Ctrl+]Select only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell
Ctrl+Shift+}Select all cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to the active cell

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8. Work with a selection
+C or Ctrl+CCopy
+V or Ctrl+VPaste
+X or Ctrl+XCut
Ctrl+- (hyphen)Delete the selection
+ZUndo the last action
+) or Ctrl+)Hide a column
+Shift+) or Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide a column
+( or Ctrl+(Hide a row
+Shift+( or Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide a row
EnterMove from top to bottom within the selection (down)*
Shift+EnterMove from bottom to top within the selection (up)*
TabMove from left to right within the selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected
Shift+TabMove from right to left within the selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected
Ctrl+. (period)Move clockwise to the next corner of the selection
+Shift+KGroup selected cells
+Shift+JUngroup selected cells
*These shortcuts may move in another direction other than down or up. If you'd like to change the direction of these shortcuts using the mouse, on the Excel menu, click Preferences, click Edit, and then, under. After pressing Return, move selection, select the direction you want to move in.

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9. Use charts
F11Insert a new chart sheet.
ArrowKeysCycle through chart object selection

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10. Sort, filter, and use PivotTable reports
+Shift+ROpen the Sort dialog box
+Shift+F or Ctrl+Shift+LAdd or remove a filter
Option+Arrow DownDisplay the Filter list or PivotTable page field pop-up menu for the selected cell

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11. Outline data
Ctrl+8Display or hide outline symbols
Ctrl+9Hide selected rows
Ctrl+Shift+( (opening parenthesis)Unhide selected rows
Ctrl+0 (zero)Hide selected columns
Ctrl+Shift+) (closing parenthesis)Unhide selected columns

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Shortcuts For Excel Mac

12. The following table provides the function key shortcuts for Excel 2016 for Mac*
F1Display the Help window
F2Edit the selected cell
Shift+F2Insert or edit a cell comment
Option+F2Open the Save dialog
Shift+F3Open the Formula Builder
+F3Open the Define Name dialog
F5Display the Go To dialog
Shift+F5Display the Find dialog
Ctrl+F5Move to the Search Sheet dialog
F7Check spelling
Shift+F7 or Ctrl+Option++ROpen the thesaurus
F8Extend the selection
Shift+F8Add to the selection
Option+F8Display the Macro dialog
F9Calculate all open workbooks
Shift+F9Calculate the active sheet
Ctrl+F9Minimize the active window
Shift+F10Display a contextual menu, or 'right click' menu
Ctrl+F10 or +F10Maximize or restore the active window
F11Insert a new chart sheet*
Shift+F11Insert a new sheet*
+F11Insert an Excel 4.0 macro sheet
Option+F11Open Visual Basic
F12Display the Save As dialog
+F12Display the Open dialog
*Excel 2016 for Mac uses the function keys for common commands, including Copy and Paste. For quick access to these shortcuts, you can change your Apple system preferences so you don't have to press the FN key every time you use a function key shortcut

Shortcut For Excel Macro

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